Allegheny Ukes w/ Altoona Symphony Orchestra


The Allegheny Ukulele Kollective uses a collection of songbooks assembled over the last decade or so. To make sure everyone is (literally) on the same page, we have put together a series of songbooks to be used at our various jams. We'll periodically update or add new songbooks as new songs are added to our repertoire. 

We recommend downloading the songbooks to a device such as an iPad. Alternatively, you can download and print them at your leisure, one song per page. This way you can keep your personal songbook in alphabetical order.

Each month, if there are new songs, we will provide handouts during the jam or digital copies ahead of time (or downloadable at the jam!).  We maintain a few printed copies of our songbooks to loan out at jams for those who are new to the club or forgot their copy.

Below are links to the most recent editions of our Songbooks. 

Club Songbooks


Digital Version

Print-friendly Version

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
AUK Songbook 2.pdf (5.47 MB)
Vol. 3
AUK Songbook 3_v5.pdf (554.33 KB)
Vol. 4
AUK Songbook 4.pdf (199.43 KB)
Vol 5.

Coming in 2025?


Holiday Songbooks

Holiday Songs Vol. 1
AUK Holiday All.pdf (459.88 KB)


First Night (NYE Concerts)

2024 First Night
FirstNight2024.pdf (3.39 MB)
2023 First Night
FirstNight2023.pdf (3.62 MB)
2022 First Night
2019 First Night
2016 First Night
FirstNight2016.pdf (1.23 MB)



USA Armed Forces
VetsHomeFinal.pdf (522.8 KB)
Gospel Songbook
Kid's Songs
(revised Feb '24)
KidsJam.pdf (6.88 MB)